I have received your dispatch n° 39 of the 22nd May, reporting the friendly feelings entertained by the Druses towards Great Britain, and their desire to form some connection with the British government.
I have to instruct you to state to the Druses that the British government will gladly establish that connection and that system of communication with the Druses, which the Druse Chiefs desire; it being always clearly understood that the basis of that connection must be, that it is in no degree to interfere with, of to weaken the connection of the Druses with their Sovereign the Sultan; but that, on the contrary, the object and intention of the British Gvrt must be, by exerting its good offices and its just influence at Constantinople in favour of the Druses, to prevent differences between the Druses and Sultan, which might loosen the the Bonds which ought to exist between a sovereign and his subjects.
H.M. Gvrt most especially admire the wish manifested by the Druses to establish some good system of education for their children. H.M. Gvrt will take this matter into their anxious consideration with a view of endeavouring to be useful to the Druses in this matter and H.M. Gvrt will communicate further with the Druses on this matter through yourself. I should wish you to ascertain however, in the first instance, whether if a few well qualified instructions were to be sent out from England, the Druses would provide funds for their remuneration and support.
H.M Gvrt would also be glad to encourage commercial intercourse between England and the Druses District; and they would be glad to know whether you, or the Druses themselves, can suggest any steps which it would be expedient to take with that view…».