Treaty between the king of Assyria Assurnirari V and Mati’el

May [Locusts] appear and devour his land and devour his land, may […]blind their eyes; let one thousand houses decrease to one house, let one thousand houses decrease to one house, let one thousand tents decrease to one tent, let only one man be spared in the city to tell about my feats. (6) Be adjured by Anu and antu; be adjured by Enlil and Ninlil; be adjured by Ea and Damkina; be adjured Sin and Ningal ; be adjured by Shamash and aja; be adjured by Adad and Shala, be adjured by Marduk and Zarpanitu; be adjured by Nabu and Tashmetu; be adjured by Ninurta and Gula ; be adjured by Urash and Ninegal; be adjured by Zababa and Bau; be adjured by Nergal and Laz; be adjured by Humhummu and Ishmun; be adjured by Girra and Nusku; be adjured by Ishtar, Lady of Arbela; be adjured by Adad and Kurba-il; be adjured by Adad of Alep; be adjured by Palil, who marches in front; be adjured by the Seven warriors.