Prayer for the martyrs

Above all, We commend to you our poor brothers who are scattered under the tyranny of the Antichrist, being deprived of the pasture of life, deprived of the liberty to invoke Your name for all to hear: even if they are held prisoner or persecuted by the enemies of Your gospel. May it please You, oh gracious Father, to give them the strength of Your spirit, such that they do not ever fail, that they for ever continue in Your holy work: help them and give them the succour that You know they need, console them in their affliction, protect them form the rage of the wolves, lift them up with the gifts of Your Spirit, so that they may glorify You in life as in death.

Source: John Calvin La forme des prieres ecclesiastiques: avec la maniere d'administrer les sacremens, et celebrer le marriage, et la visitation des maladies, Jean Crespin, Geneva 1552 (The form of church prayers: with the ministration of the sacraments and the celebration of marriage and visiting the sick)
