Le massacre of la Michelade, Nîmes, 1567
Source: 'the massacre at Nismes in Languedoc on 1 October 1567, in the night', print byJacques Tortorel and Jean Jacques Perrissin, Premier volume contenant quarante tableaux ou histoire diverses qui sont mémorables touchant les guerres, massacres et troubles advenus en France ces dernières années, 1569-1570. http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8400596p
The print provides evidence of the quality of the information available to the engravers. Their image reflects the witness statements given during the judicial process which followed the massacre. While committed to the cause of Reform, Tortorel et Perrissin here show a certain impartiality, emphasising the disparity in the forces (the Huguenots were armed, the Catholics were not) and the fate of the victims (the Augustine prior Jean Quatrebras thrown in a well).