L'avion comme métaphore de l'apostolat catholique

Why am I writing this? Simply to say to you who can more broadly participate in the Propagation of Faith: “in the construction of the supernatural machine that is apostolate, let us first and foremost take care of the engine! I have not seen any airplanes but they are much talked about, even here; I know that their designers bring their effort to bear on the engine: when it is perfect so will the machine be perfect and accidents will be rare.

Apostolate is the souls' airplane; it has the priest for engine; the rest is useful but the priest is essential.

Give us priests; help us first and foremost to train an indigenous clergy. Of this I am certain: when it is at full strength, you won't, we won't need ask: why is evangelisation so slow?

Source : Annales de la propagation de la foi, T. 85, n°506, january 1913, p. 184.
