The apologetics of “scientific miracles in the Quran”
How have those Muslim thinkers handled what they call the enigma of “miracles” in the Quran and what relation do they posit between science and miracle? Those are the conundrums Harun Yahya[1] addresses in his defence of creationism as does also Zaghloul El Naggar[2] . The “Holy Quran” is the greatest miracle granted Prophet Muhammad. This text, deemed peerless, guides, heals, soothes the heart and “nourishes the souls for ever”. Both thinkers share the view that the Quran, though not a scientific book, records numerous facts that have been upheld and approved by Western scientists many centuries after it had first been written. Their thinking runs as follows: given the state of scientific knowledge at the time this book, given for sacred and revealed, came to human knowledge, it is impossible to explain the presence therein of facts that were discovered and confirmed only much later thanks to state of the art equipment and highly developed scientific methods. Therefore, these thinkers conclude, Islam is most favourable to the sciences and the broadening of knowledge and the Quran is indeed the word of God as revealed by Him to Prophet Muhammad.