Portrait of Yusuf Ibn Tashfin

Swarthy complexion, medium build, thin, light beard, soft voice, black eyes, aquiline nose, hair reaching down to the earlobes after Muhammad, eyebrows meeting on the bridge of the nose, frizzy hair. He was courageous, impressive, active, constantly occupied of the affairs of the state and the interests of his cities and subjects, taking good care of the upkeep of his fortresses and always ready for the holy war and so God supported him and granted him victory. Generous, compassionate, he shunned world pleasures; austere, just and holy, he was modest in his dress however great the power God granted him: he never wore anything but wool. He fed on barley, meat and camel milk and kept to this staple without fail to the time of his death.

Ibn Abi Zar', Kitâb al-Anis al-Mutrib b-Rawd al-Qirtas fi Akhbar Muluk al-Maghrib wa ta'rikh madinat Fas, Dar Almansour, Rabat, p.136.
