Solutions offered in 1693 by Meath's Anglican bishop towards bolstering the Protestant community in Ireland

Secondly, by heartily endeavouring the conversion of the natives and the bringing them over to our communion, wherein the state must concur as well as the clergy. Thirdly, by sending missionary preachers to preach to them in the Irish tongue. Fourthly, by erecting English schools, and appointing salaries to the masters of them, to instruct them gratis in the English tongue, and obliging the masters to teach them the principles of religion, as well as the English language. There was a statute passed in this kingdom to that purpose [...], obliging every beneficed minister to keep an English school [...] ; but the work is not done, partly by the clergy's fault, who have other things to mind, but more especially by the want of a penalty in the statute, obliging the Irish to send their children to them. Fifthly, by banishing their clergy, both regular and secular, there being little hopes of converting the people whilst they are suffered in the kingdom. Sixthly, by suppressing Popish schoolmasters, especially such as teach Latin, for these men train up their children for very little to the Latin tongue, till they are fit to be sent abroad, where they are maintained out of charity, or by begging, till they learn philosophy, and know how to read Mass, and then they are put into Orders, and sent back as missionaries.

Dublin, Public Record Office, State papers, ms 2461

Original text found in History of the Diocese of Meath by John Healy, ll.d., courtesy of the Internet Archive (
